Drum is an amazing dog, he has been hand-picked for one of the most important jobs in the world – saving a species from extinction.
There are only two northern white rhino’s left in the world, both of which are female. Although the last male rhino died in March 2018, there is still hope for this sub-species as scientists are working on an elaborate IVF program to bring them back from extinction.
So, what can a cute little springer spaniel dog from Norfolk in the UK do about it?
Well even though the rhinos are guarded by watchtowers, fences and radio transmitters, the poachers are still a threat. So Drum is specially trained to sniff out the guns and ammunition that hunters might try to smuggle into the wildlife sanctuary.
He was trained by Daryll Pleasants, founder of the charity Animals Saving Animals. Drum quickly displayed exceptional ‘scent detection skills’. He was so good at sniffing out weapons, that he was chosen for the job after just ten months of training.

As a result of his training, Drum has been deployed to Kenya in the Ol Pejeta conservancy. He works with his handler John Mamba, pictured above. And, he is now one of four dogs that are members of the elite APU Anti-Poaching Unit.
Drum is responsible for searching cars that enter the conservancy. He also checks for weapons that poachers may have hidden in different areas of the park.
Drum shows off his skills on the BBC
In 2019 Drum was featured on the BBC UK and did a great job of showing off his rhino saving skills – you can see him in action on facebook.

Adopt an Animal Protection Unit - APU Dog
UPDATE: Did you know you can now adopt an APU (Animal Protection Unit) Dog!
Drum is not the only dog who saves rhino’s. You can adopt Drum or one of the other amazing working protection dogs at Helping Rhinos. Your monthly donation will help look after Drum or one of his friends.
Or maybe you want a protection dog of your own! Read about some other amazing personal protection dogs.

What an amazing dog. Comment below if you think your dog would be up to the challenge of being in the APU...